I should also mention that my inspiration and information for this whole “transcription thing” came from Dave Liebman and a great article on his website: http://www.daveliebman.com/earticles2.php?WEBYEP_DI=13
He also has a great DVD on the subject called THE IMPROVISER'S GUIDE TO TRANSCRIPTION.
Lastly I should mention that there are errors in this transcription. I am going for 70%... so I can cover more material in less time. Perfection in every solo is not the goal...
Anyway... if I am doing things the way I plan I will have the solo internalized long before I write it down. If you want a perfect transcription... transcribe it yourself... you will learn far more that way.
...So here it is Fats Navarro’s solo on Ladybird:

I will post a recording of myself playing the solo as well as a few exercises created from the solo ASAP
chris - you rock. this is awesome!! seriously anytime you want to play/hang and think musicy thoughts together, i am game...